Welcome to the alfa Media Blog

In our new blog you will find articles about insights of our company, innovation management and current topics of our industry.

New technology brings back old strength: Mediengruppe Attenkofer and alfamedia renew their collaboration

alfamedia is pleased to announce that the Attenkofer media group from Straubing has placed a comprehensive order to modernise its editorial infrastructure. The contract focuses on the migration to the powerful EditorialOrganiser system…
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alfa Insights: Strategy Meeting 2023

Everyone is familiar with strategy and roadmap meetings. At alfa, too, annual meetings are held to identify the opportunities and risks of the current time and to forge a plan for which innovations…
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alfa Get-together: Personal encounters and inspiring exchanges

We do not only organise meetings for our clients with time to chat and for the important exchange of information, but also within the company we make it a point to see each…
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Review Customer Day 2023

  On 3 May, we were once again pleased to invite you to our annual Customer Day in Frankfurt am Main. We were pleased to see many familiar faces, but also a few…
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Interview with Prof. Dr Markus Dahm: “Don’t be afraid of AI – opportunities for business and society”.

Prof. Dr Markus Dahm is a professor at a private university, consultant, book editor (“Wie künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben prägt“), book author, journalist and ARIC (Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg) Ambassador. He publishes in…
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What AI can do for us

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way newsrooms work. From content creation to distribution, AI is increasingly becoming an integral part of the editorial process. In this article, we will highlight the benefits…
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Interview with Mistral Höltzcke: New formats are needed to reach new target groups

Mistral Höltzcke, assistant to the management at the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, is not only a digital native, but also committed to trying out new ways of reporting that are intended to appeal to younger target…
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NFT – gimmick or potential?

NFTs have been a term that has come up again and again for some time – especially in connection with the Web3. The abbreviation, which stands for “non-fungible token”, describes a certificate or…
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CEO Talk: 365 days CEO – A review

It has been a good year since CEO Michael Marcks took over the reins at alfa Media. A year full of challenges and new tasks. It’s time to ask our CEO what he…
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Opportunities of digital disruption

When we hear the term “digital disruption”, we are confronted with two words that often give us a headache. While digital transformation brings with it a multitude of opportunities and is emblematic of…
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100 % HomeOffice: The right sign for future-oriented work

If Corona has taught us one thing, it is the spontaneity of necessary change, not waiting until you might be ready, but making sure you have to be ready. It’s almost lucky that,…
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alfa Insights: Interview with Chief Operating Officer Jörg Wolfram

The year 2022 was marked by changes for alfa Media. One of them concerned the merger of the Application Competence and Consulting departments. The resulting Customer Success department will pursue new goals under…
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TikTok? Oh no, not that as well – Why this statement minimises your chances

Yes, that’s right. New media and new channels sometimes spring up like mushrooms. And not rarely they initially cause a lot of uncertainty and rejection. Especially if they are channels that have little…
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DMEXCO 2022 – impressive presence comeback

After DMEXCO – an event for everyone interested in digital business, marketing and innovations – was broadcast purely digitally in the last two years due to the pandemic, the decision-makers and interested parties…
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A new journey: Innovation management at alfa Media

Innovation. A big word with a powerful meaning; after all, innovations are the driver of progress, but also important to keep a company competitive in the market. Hardly any time has made such great leaps in development as today. Nevertheless - or precisely because of this - the word is also perceived negatively. We explain in the article why alfa Media has founded a department nevertheless.
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Review of our Customer Day 2022

On 7 July, the time had come again and we were able to invite to the annual customer day event in Frankfurt am Main. Only small rain showers clouded our successful and well-attended…
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CEO Talk: Pride Month

In our new "CEO Talk" format, we would like to chat on a regular basis in a relaxed atmosphere with our CEO at alfa Media, Michael Marcks. Here is the start of our series.
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Trainee insights – My training at alfa Media

We at alfa Media have been a training company for a long time and are happy that we can train young people with different career aspirations in our company. The training plan for…
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Why everyone is now focusing on topics

Within our industry, communicators are becoming increasingly aware of the many benefits of focusing on a topic. Especially when it comes to telling a self-contained story or promoting an image. Classic communication has…
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Collectively, we can achieve much more than one person can, especially with regard to the big picture.

Alis Simpson

Marketing vs. Sales?!

Recently, I have noticed more and more posts on LinkedIn on the topic of “marketing vs. sales”. Marketing and sales are far too often in direct competition. Both are courting customers, both want…
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Planning from the topic is not only much more dynamic and goal-oriented, it is also collaborative – if applied correctly – and breaks down silo thinking.

Alis Simpson

The inner values of content marketing: digital asset management

I personally like to use the term DAM instead of digital asset management because it immediately conveys what it is all about: your valuable content – your digital assets. And these need to…
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On Marketing, New Markets and Corona

Searching for the best working models for media, communication and marketing, I recently had a chat with Alis Simpson. I have been working very closely with Alis for a year now and enjoy…
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Corona in times of New Work – A crisis as an opportunity for digitalisation

The corona virus confronts us all with new challenges, not only in terms of health. We now have to break up familiar structures and find new ways of working together in creative processes.…
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