Category: News

Use new payment options with Payment Link

You haven’t heard of Payment Link as a payment option yet? Then let’s change that now! Payment Link is the latest form of transaction processing – automated, flexible and uncomplicated!

If you offer PaymentLink, you create more flexibility for your customers. In contrast to credit card or PayPal payments, for example, the transaction runs asynchronously and is sent via a link in an e-mail. Literally, the Payment Link method is just that: a payment link that packs the transaction processing into an e-mail.

The whole process is fully automated and therefore absolutely uncomplicated for you. If the payment is selected via Payment Link, the system processes take care of everything else.

Payment Link Option in AdSuite Market

If you click on the link in the email, the payment process may look like this:

Ansicht des Bezahlvorgangs mit Payment Link in AdSuite Market / WebStore

Depending on the provider, either the card details are requested or a login dialogue is called up to complete the payment. The payment process is therefore seamlessly integrated into the user’s system, even though the payment is ultimately completed with a provider. This also has another big advantage for you: more security! With less manual data entry, the process is less error-prone and the payment is executed reliably.

But the Payment Link function integrated in our AdSuite Market can do a bit more than just send links: it also generates a QR code!

Für Payment Link generierter QR-Code als Bezahllink


In case you are curious: The QR code in our example image is unfortunately no longer valid, the payment has already been made – nobody likes open invoices. 😉

The QR code can be conveniently scanned at home, but it is also practical for you to use in your local branch, for example by displaying the QR code on the terminal after the booking.

In short, with the Payment Link solution, you now have an easy-to-use option for processing advance payments. It provides your customers with added value through flexibility and you with a further service that benefits the shopping experience. With the additional option of generating a QR code, processing can also be done at a terminal on site! Uncomplicated, automated and secure – Payment Link has many advantages that will benefit you!

You can read more details behind the newly available payment method in our DokuWiki – or contact our sales staff at Please note: The module “Payment via Payment Link” is subject to separate licensing.